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3 on 6™ Pre-Operative Instructions

Your 3 on 6™ provider's goal is your safety, comfort, and to maximize the likelihood of success of your 3 on 6™ procedure. After many years and thousands of procedures, we’ve developed these protocols to help achieve these goals.

The following pre-operative instructions should be followed carefully. Please consult with your provider for specific instructions for your treatment. If you have any questions, contact your personal provider.

Day Of Surgery Food, Beverages, & Medication

  • It is essential that the stomach be empty if anesthesia is administered.

  • Have nothing to eat or drink (including water) for 8 hours prior to your surgery, unless you have been instructed otherwise by your team.

  • If you take routine prescribed or herbal medications, please discuss with the doctor prior to your surgery and in this case a sip of water is permitted if required to take prior to surgery.

Pre-Surgery Diet (3-4 weeks prior)

  • Limit refined sugar and soda.

  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy protein.

  • Supplement your diet with Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for bone health.

Clothing / Contact Lenses

  • Wear short-sleeved, loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and low-heeled shoes.

  • Do not wear jewelry, lipstick or excessive makeup on the day of surgery.

  • Remove contact lenses before surgery.

  • Remove false eyelashes.

Transportation and General Care

  • If you are having IV Sedation or General Anesthetic you must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Your team will review the post-op instructions with this person and give them any necessary prescriptions. This person will need to drive you home and remain with you until you have sufficiently recovered.

  • Patients that undergo IV sedation or general anesthesia are considered legally impaired and must not drive, operate complicated machinery and devices, or make important decisions (such as signing legal documents) for 24 hours.

  • Arrange for assistance with the care of small children during the recovery period.


  • Quitting smoking will increase the long-term probability of success of treatment. Refrain from smoking at least 3 weeks prior, and at least 4 months following treatment.


  • If your general health changes or if you feel sick, contact your office prior to the day of the appointment in order to discuss your readiness for surgery.


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