The most advanced
smile restoration treatment available.

"Once you get your set of teeth put in, it's like a brand new life. You're able to eat, you're able to smile, your confidence comes back. It's well worth the investment."
-Todd, 3 on 6™ patient
Talk to a Smile Restoration Specialist!
More than just cosmetic dentistry, it's a restoration!
Call now to find out more
Permanent Placement
Six implants are placed to provide permanent strength and protect from bone loss.
Beautiful Bridges
Three beautiful and bright porcelain bridges are attached to the implants.
Control and Comfort
With no acrylic mouthpiece, eating and speaking feels just like using your natural teeth.
Minimal Maintenance
No glues or rinses. Brushing and flossing are all that is needed.

A Better Permanent Smile
3 on 6™ smile restoration is the first major permanent smile restoration development in 25 years. In 1990, All-on-4 became a permanent alternative to dentures. Now 3 on 6™ makes your permanent smile restoration less expensive, more secure, more hygienic, more natural-looking, and doesn't require removal or expensive cleanings.
Never has to be removed
More secure with six implants
Clean easily with brushing and flossing
No restrictions on food or drinks
Feels like natural teeth in the mouth
Modern advances with a lowered cost
The 3 on 6™ Process
Step 1: Free Consultation
Everything begins with a free consultation with a 3 on 6™ certified doctor. They will take scans of your mouth which they will use to determine if you are a candidate for the 3 on 6™.
At this initial consultation, they will also go over payment and financing options with you and determine if and when you would like to begin treatment.

Step 2: Implant Surgery
At the following appointment, the implant surgery will take place. This can be done with local anesthesia or you can choose to be sedated. After this surgery, the implants will need to heal for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
During this time you will receive a temporary denture so that you are not toothless while you heal. In some cases, a single piece bridge can be placed instead of a denture.
Our dental lab will use scans of your teeth or pre-designed models to design your new smile. You will have input on the design including the shade of the teeth.

Step 3: Temporary Restoration
After your implants are healed, you will stop wearing the denture and will have temporary bridges placed on your implants. These are made out of a cheaper material and will serve as a test drive.
After trying the bridges for two weeks the doctor will meet with you again to see if you’re happy with your smile or if you would like some adjustments with the shade or fit. Based on your feedback, the Doctor may make some modifications to your bridges.
Step 4: Final Bridges
Your final zirconia bridges will then be made by our dental lab specialists, based on the specifications from your Doctor. A final appointment will be scheduled in which the Doctor will place your final bridges and ensure that it meets all of your expectations.
Your new 3 on 6™ smile will be beautiful and permanent. You don't have to ever remove it and can maintain it with simple brushing and flossing. You can smile, speak, kiss, and chew with confidence!

Life Changing Transformations

per arch as low as
on approved credit
one arch
full mouth

I didn't want to be in dentures and I was scared that that's where I was headed. The 3 on 6™ is absolutely, just fantastic! I love everyday with my new smile. I get compliments everyday on it.

My confidence is back, I smile, I can eat whatever I want, I can go out to dinner. After I first got them in my first meal was a steak and that was the best tasting steak I've ever eaten in my life.

From start to finish, this has gone perfect! They brought the doctor and they brought the anesthesiologist, I woke up four hours later and they were done! And now I've got a million dollar smile. Who cannot be happy with that?
Not only is the 3 on 6™ a better treatment, but
we also save our patients on average $18,400
from their comparable full mouth treatment plan!

Dr. Chad Haak and Dr. John Kim of Smile Clinic Arizona are the only licensed 3 on 6™ providers in the state of Arizona. Dr. Haak and Kim are skilled clinicians with years of experience and training in dental implantology and 3 on 6™ restoration treatment. These doctors and their staff take pride in working with each patient individually, ensuring that they are getting the best care and treatment for their specific needs. When you step into their office, you will find that the staff is welcoming and happy to answer all your questions so you feel comfortable and confident with any treatment you might pursue.

Our team of experienced medical professionals and expert patient coordinators will make your experience smooth and pleasant. You are in good hands.

Dr. Chad Haak
Dental Surgeon

Limited Lifetime Guarantee
Our 3 on 6™ procedure comes with a limited lifetime guarantee. Our goal is to make your new 3 on 6™ smile last you for the rest of your life. By following our guidelines and oral health directions, we know that it can happen! After you receive your new 3 on 6™ smile, you are covered with a limited lifetime guarantee.
Ask your doctor for more details.