May 113 on 6Benefits of Segmented Bridges in Reversing Bone Loss Segmented bridges in full arch restoration has shown to be effective at long-term bone maintenance and development.Â
May 93 on 6Fact vs. Fiction: Misconceptions About 3 on 6 Dental Implants and Bridges If you've heard things that concern you about the 3 on 6 procedure, the best thing to do is schedule a consultation with a licensed provider
Nov 7, 20223 on 63 on 6â„¢ Post-Operative InstructionsAfter any surgery, it is important to allow your body to heal to achieve best results.
Jun 23, 20223 on 6What To Eat With Temps (Soft Food Diet)Many 3 on 6â„¢ patients have their dental implants immediately loaded after surgery. This means teeth are placed on the implants on the day...